Research Article
Cytotoxic and Genotoxic Effects of Eucalyptus globulus on Vero Cell line
Muhammad Harris Rashid, Rajaa Haamid, Ahmed Riaz Khan
Published on : December 2024 | Volume : 1 Issue : 2
Abstract :
Eucalyptus globulus (EG) of the Myrtaceae family has been traditionally used in the treatment of various infectious disorders. This study aims to assess the potential cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of EG in Vero cell lines. The MTT, Comet assay, Micronucleus (MN), and chromosomal aberrations were performed after on Vero cell line after the exposure of EG. Eucalyptus globulus showed cytotoxic effects and reduced cell viability at higher concentration after 24 h exposure. Similarly, the EG exhibited the DNA damage in concentration dependent manner. Increased in the Micronuclei formation and chromosomal aberrations showed significant genotoxic effects by the EG on Vero cell line. Moreover, the findings of the present study show that EG has potential cyto-genotoxic effects on Vero cell line and this could be used a good candidate for the treatment of cancer. However further studies should be needed to authenticate and for practical implications.